Monday, May 2, 2011

"Man down..."


 Attention customers,
        So lucky me, I have the night off.  So what do I do? School for seven hours, nap for two, then head to the boys volleyball game at my high school.  Super fun night right? Not so much.  Since I have no super cool events to tell you about, I will share with you a story from none other than my cherished place of employment.  So here it goes.
    Let me ask you this. What is the one item on the shelves of any grocery store that is the most fragile?
    Thats right, eggs.  Unlike most small grocery stores that sell eggs by the dozen, we have the pleasure of selling them by the two and a half dozen.  That's right, more than double the amount to clean up if dropped.  And you guessed it, that is exactly what I did.
    Lucky for me, I am the first person to ever do such a thing since our store has been open.  And you better bet I'll be telling you how it happened.  We have a strict policy about customers putting items on the counter.  We do what is called the "cart to cart" process.  This is to ensure that every item has been scanned before putting it in the cart in front of it.  Anyway, the customer started to put her items on the counter.  While on the inside I was mumbling words that no customer should hear, I politely smiled and asked her to keep her items in the cart.  Not using my brain, I left the stuff on the counter and proceeded to scan the items in her cart with my handheld scanner.  Stupid me didn't see the eggs waiting their death on the counter behind me.  Let's just say my cord got caught on the box off eggs while the two and a half dozen once little chicks fell to the floor.  It was one of those moments where you tried so hard to rewind time.
   If that was possible, I so would have done it.  Life isn't fair, so now I had to deal with the mess all over the floor.  It doesn't help that I was having  bad day that day.  F me right? It always seems like nothing ever goes my well.  So customers, we have these rules for a reason.  It would be super cool if you just leave your tow and a half dozen eggs in the cart, so i don't have to clean them up again.  :) kaythanks.
      As for my readers, you can't things like this ruin your entire day.  Find a way to see the light in every situation and laugh about it.  Laughing relieves so much more than just carbon dioxide.  It'll put yourself, and the people around you in a better mood. Life will have dozens upon dozens of eggs cracked on the floor.  They fall for reasons we can not control, like the customer putting them on the counter in the first place.  All we can do is take a breath, crack a joke, clean them up, and move on with the other transactions in our lives.

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