Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Where's the next button?"

Attention Customers,
  Todays playlist on GFS Radio: the same 25 songs it has been playing all year long.  If you are lucky enough like me, you get to listen to these same songs time after time until all of the lyrics are punched into your brain without your permission.  But wait, there is a plus side to this.  Starting the day after Thanksgiving, we all have the pleasure of enjoying the fine Christmas tunes of both the nineties and now.  For eight...weeks...straight... I can't complain too much because I do like the kind of music played.  It's anywhere from Jack Johnson, to some John Mayer and a little Colbie Caillat.  Not terrible right? Let's just say anytime these songs come up on my ipod, my fingers go straight to the next button.  Unfortunately for me and my fellow employees, this is not an option when we are stocking the fine aisles of the store.
     One song in particular strikes me in the worst way.  I have no explaination as to why I hate this song when it comes on, but je ne l'aime pas! [which is French for I don't like it hah] this beautiful song titled "I Never Told You" haunts me within the walls of my beloved place of employment.  Let me give you a little taste of it if you've never heard it.

    This is actually a good song, just one of those ruined by the repetition of it all.  Perhaps it pains me to listen to it because it reminds me of my life.  See, I am a military girlfriend.  We met back at the pool, he was the life guard and I worked concessions.  I guess you can say we have this fairytale thing going on.  Upon leaving for the Coastguard,  this song must have came on  It just made me miss my boyfriend with the lyrics and all.  Damn you Colbie.  Ever since then, me and this song don't get along very well.

     Let me share with you one more song that doesn't catch my fancy.  Now I'm not dissing on Duffy, I actually like some of her stuff.  But for the longest time, this next song just sounding like a bunch of screeching and unnecessary noise.  This is one of those songs that never seem to leave your mind once you hear it if you catch my drift.  It goes a little like this:
    Don't get me wrong, Duffy is the kinda girl who could kick somebody's ass and I totally envy that of her, but like I said, me and this song just don't get along.  So customers, next time you complain about the music we play, just know that we have no power over it what-so-ever.  And trust me, our ears are bleeding just as much as yours are.  Well, Well, Well, I Never Told You that we hate it just as much as you do.  If there was a next button, there wouldn't be any music left to play.  Stay young, stay beautiful, and happy.

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